Civil Courts


Dreaming for an Eco-Friendly Office Environment

Unfortunately, Offices are notorious for their ‘splendid’ and wasteful practices, reliance on paper and poor recycling figures. Changing our working ways and thus a change to the planet with these handy hints….. a cleaner and greener working environment…..we aspire…..
Offices are understood to be major consumers of high quality paper, 90% of which is thrown away. This equates to nearly thousands of tonnes of waste paper each year. Every 100 reams of recycled office paper printed double-sided saves two trees, more than a tonne of greenhouse gas and almost one cubic metre of landfill space in comparison with 100 reams of paper not recycled or printed double.
Choosing to buy energy efficient office equipment, from light bulbs to computers. For each kilowatt hour of electricity saved, one tonne of greenhouse gas is stopped from entering the atmosphere.
We strive for:
Use of maximum E-mails, instead of hard copy letters / mails.
Printing both side of the paper, whenever possible.
We don’t scrap the paper; when print goes wrong, but we’ll keep it for rear side printing
We won’t take printouts unnecessarily - before giving prints, we see preview first
And thus; we strive to inspire others too, for the same…
Many folks have made at least a partial move to a paperless office. They're doing so this way: getting greater return on their hardware, software and technology investments by using scanners instead of copying machines, sending electronic faxes instead of paper faxes, storing information electronically instead of in filing cabinets, giving friends, clients or vendors information on CDs or through Internet attachments instead of in bound folders.
"Paperless" often really means "less paper."
We think, it's possible to scan all received documents into our computer, and to store all in-house documents in your system. Thus, we, virtually seek to eliminate paper faxes by generating faxes on your computer and having in-bound faxes delivered to computer system. We can even electronically sign or signature-stamp outgoing documents, though the same is yet to receive universal accord.
We do realize, that less paper is just the beginning of the payoff. The most visible impact of a move to a paperless office is the reduction in the cost of printing, mailing, shipping and storing paper. Change can be hard, but it can be profitable in rem.
